Computer Life is privileged to be a brand recognized by the entire clothing world.
Thus, the partnerships we achieve are with the largest and most pioneering companies worldwide. This gives you, our customers, the advantage of being sure that we always recommend the most suitable solution according to your needs. The most popular solution is TKT BRainpower's TDOT plotter.
Computer Life knows the needs of the modern apparel business from inside.
Based on these needs, it develops its software and chooses its partnerships. This is how we very easily ended up working with the truly pioneering company TkT BrainPower. The UWP (Ultra Wide Printer) TDOT plotters are distinguished for their ultimate electronic inkjet technology, modern control software and intelligent functional design.
The ergonomics and user-friendly operation of TDOT plotters present a new design standard compared to the conventional models. The design of the integrated, quick and easy front loading system complemented the TDOT series' low power consumption and quiet operation characteristics making it ideal for all workplaces.